Monday, November 9, 2015

The wedding...

I  saw a dream in 2011, of the wedding of the Lamb

I had a dream of two weddings in one night,
In the first dream, I saw the bride groom ready and suited up, He was waiting for the Bride on a red velvet carpet inside a huge church, the church was in white in color and there was no one at the wedding. I had seen  the groom waiting, at the same time I  also see Him and the Bride in a car and they were in their way to the church to get married, right before they stepped out of the car, they leaned close to one another to kiss and the Bride suddenly wakes up from her state of slumber, puts her hand in front on her mouth and says "Wait, I am not ready yet". This was the Bride who was not prepared yet and who did not feel that she was ready for the True Bridegroom.

Right after this dream i see the second dream and this dream had the  the same Bridegroom and church and the red velvet carpet, In this dream the Bridegroom was waiting for the Bride inside the church and right in front of the altar, similar to my first dream, however at the same instance I saw that  the Bridegroom was dragging the Bride to the altar, she was wearing a white gown which was fully transparent and she was completely drunk and out of her senses, she was a bride who did not bother to cover her nakedness and who was drunk.
Yet both the dreams the Bridegroom seemed to be waiting and lovingly dot on the Bride who seemed to be unaware of the Presence of the Groom.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


One day as i was walking , I heard the Holy Spirit tell me, to have my calling hidden under Christ for a set season, and i saw this vision  right after.

I saw a pelican, shoot out from a water body and it kept going higher and higher up in  to the sky,after a point it started to spin and it spun and spun itself for a while until it crossed this different atmospheric level in the sky and once it had crossed, I saw its  wings open to the full length and I realized it was an Eagle soaring with ease above all the different levels of atmospheres, where all was quiet and serene, and it felt glorious.

This is what the Holy Spirit told me from this vision,

Identity - We need to hide our callings in Christ at some given season in our lives, the pelican was always an Eagle, just hidden for a reason for that season.

Action - Shooting out from water and that signifies that we need to use the Holy Spirits anointing to shoot us out from situations and circumstances in life.

Spin - While the pelican started spinning, it kept going higher into the sky..and as it spun I saw nothing could stay on it, be it the dust particles or any other foreign object.

Then the Holy Spirit told me that the spin meant intercession and worship together, we intercede and worship to enter His glorious presence.

Worship - when we worship His presence comes to dwell in our midst.

Psalms 22:3 But You are Holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel.

Intercession is being vulnerable to the darts of the enemy and standing your ground and praying and interceding for a specific matter.

As we are in worship  His presence is indwelling and as we  intercede we are vulnerable, so basically we are vulnerable to His presence,  not the enemies darts because no evil can stand His presence so we basically become vulnerable to His presence, to His anointing and to His glorious aura.

Intercession can reverse the nature of a curse or word spoken against Gods children.

When Jesus (The second Adam) was praying and interceding, His sweat  turned in to blood and fell on earth, thus reversing the curse  which was spoken over Adam( The First Adam) when he disobeyed God,  Genesis 3:17 Then to Adam He said, “Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it’:“Cursed is the ground for your sake;In toil you shall eat of it All the days of your life.  

Worship brings down the presence of God and Intercession reverses curses and restores destiny and purposes back to God's original intention.

Worship and Intercession together  enable us  to spin and rise up through our circumstances and we rise up and  above and reach the Glory realm. In this realm we are clothed in the kingly anointing, and thus along with it we will change in to our real self, The Eagle.

Monday, October 19, 2015

The Roar

I saw The Lion of Judah Roar.

I was sitting and thinking about the turns of events in my life, never in a million years did i imagine that I will be put  in a place of solitude, I wondered what is going to happen to me, what was I going to do , and where will I go , who will help me..I had so many questions in my mind...

In the midst of this, all my questions were quietened by The Roar of the Great I AM.
It was faint at the beginning, and then I could sense the Roar growing louder and louder ...I could hear it clearer and clearer,As the Roar started to fill up my ears, my mind, my very being, I felt the Roar rising from within me.
Then  all of a sudden, I was sucked into another realm of atmosphere and I saw The Lion of the tribe of Judah Roar at me , right on to my face ...The Lion as He let His roar rise around me, everything about the atmosphere changed,
I felt fear fall off of me like an old worn out cloth;
I felt rejection literally crawl off of my back;
I felt shame, confusion, guilt, doubt all roll away from my body;
I felt all the abuse physical, mental, emotional, verbal take flight from my very being.
My core was lighter...
I inhaled this roar into my being and felt free for real.
I felt new, and precious,
I felt wanted and accepted,
I felt proud of who my DAD is.
Instead of my shame I felt doubly honored, instead of my pain I felt I became joy.
Hopelessness, changed to Hope.
Faith was made stronger in me as the Lion roared.
One Roar was all it took for every filth of  sin and bondage in my life to break loose and break away from my body soul and spirit.
I saw the enemy flee, I saw his tiny army flee alongside him, everything the enemy instilled on my life ebbed away at the mighty Roar of the Lion of the tribe of Judah.

I was new ;
I became joy;
I carried peace;
I walked listening to His voice, like that of many waters...
I trembled at the mention of  His word;
I had The fear of the Lord in me,no other fear, and through His roar I felt The mighty breath of GOD, washing over me and blowing away all the years of  grief, fear, pain, shame...He blew it all away.

I am in love with the Lion of Judah who roars for me, I am His pride, I belong to His pride.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Depth of His Love..

Can anyone fathom the depth of His Love...

One night as I was laying down in my room , I started dreaming and I could hear physically too , I don't understand how but I believe I was suspended between the supernatural and natural realm.
I saw  myself standing in front of a counter and they had different varieties of sweets , cakes and bakery items. I suddenly realized that a 9 foot tall man was standing next to me, while I had already started to take from the counter and  I was eating one of the sweets.
I saw this man  and recognized His  aura which was glorious,  majestic, and splendid,I heard myself thinking " I could just stand for all eternity beside this man",His presence was drawing me closer to Him.
This man then turns to me and points at a cake which had the biggest raisin I have ever seen which was in center of this cake, I realized it was a cake made of raisin, He pointed at that cake and told me "Eat This", the very second I heard His beautiful voice , I thought to myself again , that I could live for all  of eternity just hearing His voice, His sound, it was so sweet, and kind filled with love.

As my dream came to an end, the Holy Spirit reminded me on Song of Solomon 2:4,5
He brought me to the banqueting house.And His banner over me was Love.
Sustain me with cakes of raisins,Refresh me with apples, For I am lovesick.

I felt His presence and I heard His voice, the sweetest of all.My Jesus.

Monday, October 5, 2015

The Door.

I had a vision from the Lord, while we were all praying before our session started in Pearl City Church, Hyderabad, India. I saw many doors in peoples heart and people were entering and exiting from these many doors and I hear the Holy Spirit tell me to Pray and ask Jesus  to open the doors that He wanted us to go through in our lives and shut those doors that we need not walk through. The moment I heard this, I did a silent prayer about the same and I saw that there suddenly was a lot of free space in our hearts instead of the many doors and I saw Jesus inside.
 A week later I came across this Bible verse
I am the door: by me if any man enters in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
John 10:9
I realized what the word meant, that Jesus is the door to anything in your life, and that we need to look up to Him alone in this matter.
Today its 2015, Oct and God gives me a revelation connecting the previous verse to this one below;
For the priests who bore the ark stood in the midst of Jordan, until everything was finished that the LORD commanded Joshua to speak unto the people, according to all that Moses commanded Joshua: and the people hastened and passed over.
Joshua 4:10

The Holy Spirit, told me that Just like the priests carrying the Ark of the Lord went to the middle of Jordan and stood there until everyone passed over, that is exactly what Jesus life demonstrated in the New Testament, He fulfilled the prophetic act carried by the priests by being a Door to let His children enter Heaven and he is waiting for all of us to enter through Him, He being the door.
He came to earth, died on the cross and was resurrected on the 3rd day, and he is now seated in heaven at the right hand of God, yet He stands as the door to greet us into his kingdom.
In revelation the door that John saw is Jesus Himself, He called him to come up and john saw this door standing wide open, He entered Heaven through Jesus and he saw Revelation play out right in front of his eyes.

After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter.
Revelation 4:1

I am amazed at what Jesus did for us He has crossed over and is waiting for us, and He is the door, He is the gate even though He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
We have different doors that we go through in our lifetime, be it a door to marriage, a door to inheritance, a door to descendants, But only if we walk through Jesus the only Door to eternal life and everlasting love, we will find our purpose and destiny in Christ.

The coming awakening..

Awakening of the spiritual beings lies in the hands of believers...

I was in worship one morning and I asked God to fill me with the heavenly language and immediately I started to sing a song and I liked hearing my own voice.
 I then saw a very big angel ,awakening from the ocean and He was made of water and he stretched forth his hands under the water beds and cleaned the water, all the debris was cleaned, I then saw that the wings of this angel reached to the throne room of God and I realized that he was the angel who poured our worship to the river of life which flows from behind the throne of God.
I saw as I poured out my heart to worship God, I was completely undone and I saw that my heart took a liquid state and became one the river of life, and my heart is renewed, refreshed and revived..

I understood that this angel was the medium by which my heart will reach the river of life in heaven which becomes one with the river and this angel will bring me back my heart fresh and renewed by the life in the river of God.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Seeking His Kingdom

Mathew 6:33
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you".

As i heard my sister on the phone talking to my parents in India, both my parents were complaining of the trials they were facing and that there was no money to continue the house construction they had begun. I took the phone from my sister and as i opened my mouth i heard myself telling my parents to read Mathew 6:33;
And as i began to listen, my own voice ministered back to me more than i think it must have ministered to my parents.
I was saying that the first thing we need to do as Gods children was to seek His kingdom and righteousness first, and then all these other things will follow.
Jesus said in Luke 17:21 neither shall they say, Lo here! Or, lo there for behold the kingdom of God is within you.
As I started thinking, if there is a Kingdom of God that we carry inside of us, then this kingdom needs to have a King and I understood that the King is Jesus Christ. When we have Jesus ruling and reigning over the Kingdom in our heart, no other force or ruler can take dominion, not even my thoughts or desires can take root in my heart and hope to rule, because there is no ruler or power which can dethrone Jesus as He is The King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
The Holy Spirit then reminded me of, Romans 14:17 For the Kingdom of God is not food or drinks but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.I understood that, since I have this  Kingdom of God in me I should and I must be leaking none other than righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

His Kingdom is ruled in righteousness of The Son of God.

The Holy Spirit, revealed to me, what the Righteousness of God was, which i needed to seek. He in His glorious majesty revealed the secrets of His Word to me, a tiny little lady in the world. I knew in my heart that I had received and I had become a part taker of His righteousness along with many of His children the moment I gave my heart to Him, in that very instant  when I confessed and believed that He is the Lord and Saviour of my heart. His righteousness fell over my life as a canopy which was made of the faultless blameless blood of the Lamb, which He shed for me. I knew I was made right in Him by the sacrifice He gave for me, I realized that I am made right not because of what I did or what I do, but because of who He is , and by faith I am made righteous.For this reason I know when Jehovah God looks at me, He sees the blood of His beloved Son Jesus upon every area of my life. I am found in His righteousness.

I asked the lord, where and how do i seek Him, He took me to Mathew 7: 7, 8  Ask, and it shall be given to you;seek and ye shall find;knock, and it shall be opened unto you.For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him  Bthat knocketh it shall be opened.

As I seek Him, His kingdom and His righteousness, I know that I will not just find all these but I knew in my heart I will be found in Him.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Hearing His Voice

Hearing GodAudible Voice of ABBA FATHER  (YAHWEH)      

I was sleeping in my room during SOAR, a 24 hour ongoing worship, word and intercession. It was 6:30 am, and I heard loud and clear God calling my name twice " Sangeetha, Sangeetha" I woke up and I knew why I was called , He just saying my name,was enough for me as  I knew what I was supposed to do, His words were beyond comprehension in my physical mind that I just got the message crystal clear as to what I was supposed to do and my whole being was tuned to Him and my flesh was all willing to do just what pleased Him , that I realized was the power of His authority over me because He created me, I am His creation, and my creator draws out everything from my core toward His awesome greatness and Godliness.
I will never forget that day, I am not skilled to  play any instrument but I knew I was called by Him to get on the stage and I did get on the stage and sat at the center with the microphone in front of me, I could not sing I am tone deaf , but I still did, I didn't care about how I sounded any more because I knew that was what He wanted me to do , To get on the stage that particular day.
I looked around and I saw the percussion, I didn't need a talent or skill to play it I just needed both hands  to tilt it from one end to the other , and I did just that I sat for hours and when I got off the chair I was drunk in the Spirit.
don't know what happened but I know one thing that God knows it all and someday I will ask Him ,what was  that all about.
I am waiting for that day to meet Him.

Audible voice of JESUS (YESHUA)
I had a dream and I saw myself standing in front of a foodcounter and I was picking stuff from the box and putting in my mouth and I sensed there was a 9 foot tall man standing next to me and I thought to my self, "Oh who is this man, I can stand next to him for all eternity just His aura is enough. Then this 9 foot man turned to me and he pointed at something on the counter and He told me " Eat this", I took it and it was a cake made of raisin and when I heard His voice I thought to myself oohhh what a voice and I said I could live through eternity just having listened to His voice it was so sweet and loving and gentle yet with authority and command all in one.
The moment I bit into that cake I remembered the verse from song of Solomon 2:5 He fed with apples and refreshed me , and gave me  cakes made of raisin and i was lovesick for Him.
I knew that I had an encounter of love and intimacy with Jesus.

Audible voice of The Holy Spirit ( RUACH HA-KODESH)

I was sad one night so I thought i will watch some funny  stuff on the laptop and go to sleep , instead i opened the song "there is power in the blood of Jesus...break every chain" I remember crying and crying I cried so much all I can remember is saying "Father Father and I was sobbing uncontrollably", I cried for close to 3 hours just saying Father and I went to sleep , the moment I lie down I saw a hand writing something and as it was written I heard a voice teach me how to pronounce and the voice I knew was the Holy Spirit teaching me and he told me though its written this way and you pronounce this way and the Holy Spirit knew the next day I was going to forget the Hebrew word in the dream and so He it means, "GOD THE TRUST GIVER" all I remember in Hebrew was Jehovah and I cant remember the second word for trust giver in Hebrew.

I felt the Holy Spirit, just plastered TRUST from God all over my heart and i know He revealed one of His name to me as Jehovah the trust giver, and he gave me trust from heaven so that i will be able to trust Him and people in my life.


Not Alone..

I  was alone and scared in this new place that I am at, but I realized with evidence that I was not alone...
Being bored and having nothing to do I started to rearrange/ fold my clothes in the suitcase that I had traveled with. I had packed and unpacked the same clothes more than 5 times before I flew into this I had not seen anything peculiar in my pile of clothes all those times..however yesterday was different as I was rearranging my clothes in my suitcase I came across a white feather, I instantly smiled a knowing smile..let me tell you about this feather.
5 yrs back at a prayer meeting I felt feathers from huge wings flap across my face and it was so intense that I shook my friend next to me by her shoulders and kept saying "feathers, feather do you see them"?? She had  a very confused look on her face because she had no idea what I was trying to ask her. 'After midnight I came out to have a cup of coffee and there were others too, and one of the worship leaders  came to me and said dude there is a feather on your head and he picked up one from my shoulder too, now I was sure  that  I had an encounter with an angel, I was so excited i just knew and after 5 yrs when I am  alone and  scared by myself i see the same kind of feather, so I just knew it was Gods way of reminding me that I am not alone, and I am taken care of.

Love Jesus

Rainbows in my life: Tear Drops

Rainbows in my life: Tear Drops