One day as i was walking , I heard the Holy Spirit tell me, to have my calling hidden under Christ for a set season, and i saw this vision right after.
I saw a pelican, shoot out from a water body and it kept going higher and higher up in to the sky,after a point it started to spin and it spun and spun itself for a while until it crossed this different atmospheric level in the sky and once it had crossed, I saw its wings open to the full length and I realized it was an Eagle soaring with ease above all the different levels of atmospheres, where all was quiet and serene, and it felt glorious.
This is what the Holy Spirit told me from this vision,
Identity - We need to hide our callings in Christ at some given season in our lives, the pelican was always an Eagle, just hidden for a reason for that season.
Action - Shooting out from water and that signifies that we need to use the Holy Spirits anointing to shoot us out from situations and circumstances in life.
Spin - While the pelican started spinning, it kept going higher into the sky..and as it spun I saw nothing could stay on it, be it the dust particles or any other foreign object.
Then the Holy Spirit told me that the spin meant intercession and worship together, we intercede and worship to enter His glorious presence.
Worship - when we worship His presence comes to dwell in our midst.
Psalms 22:3 But You are Holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel.
Intercession is being vulnerable to the darts of the enemy and standing your ground and praying and interceding for a specific matter.
As we are in worship His presence is indwelling and as we intercede we are vulnerable, so basically we are vulnerable to His presence, not the enemies darts because no evil can stand His presence so we basically become vulnerable to His presence, to His anointing and to His glorious aura.
Intercession can reverse the nature of a curse or word spoken against Gods children.
When Jesus (The second Adam) was praying and interceding, His sweat turned in to blood and fell on earth, thus reversing the curse which was spoken over Adam( The First Adam) when he disobeyed God, Genesis 3:17 Then to Adam He said, “Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it’:“Cursed is the ground for your sake;In toil you shall eat of it All the days of your life.
Worship brings down the presence of God and Intercession reverses curses and restores destiny and purposes back to God's original intention.
Worship and Intercession together enable us to spin and rise up through our circumstances and we rise up and above and reach the Glory realm. In this realm we are clothed in the kingly anointing, and thus along with it we will change in to our real self, The Eagle.
I saw a pelican, shoot out from a water body and it kept going higher and higher up in to the sky,after a point it started to spin and it spun and spun itself for a while until it crossed this different atmospheric level in the sky and once it had crossed, I saw its wings open to the full length and I realized it was an Eagle soaring with ease above all the different levels of atmospheres, where all was quiet and serene, and it felt glorious.
This is what the Holy Spirit told me from this vision,
Identity - We need to hide our callings in Christ at some given season in our lives, the pelican was always an Eagle, just hidden for a reason for that season.
Action - Shooting out from water and that signifies that we need to use the Holy Spirits anointing to shoot us out from situations and circumstances in life.
Spin - While the pelican started spinning, it kept going higher into the sky..and as it spun I saw nothing could stay on it, be it the dust particles or any other foreign object.
Then the Holy Spirit told me that the spin meant intercession and worship together, we intercede and worship to enter His glorious presence.
Worship - when we worship His presence comes to dwell in our midst.
Psalms 22:3 But You are Holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel.
Intercession is being vulnerable to the darts of the enemy and standing your ground and praying and interceding for a specific matter.
As we are in worship His presence is indwelling and as we intercede we are vulnerable, so basically we are vulnerable to His presence, not the enemies darts because no evil can stand His presence so we basically become vulnerable to His presence, to His anointing and to His glorious aura.
Intercession can reverse the nature of a curse or word spoken against Gods children.
When Jesus (The second Adam) was praying and interceding, His sweat turned in to blood and fell on earth, thus reversing the curse which was spoken over Adam( The First Adam) when he disobeyed God, Genesis 3:17 Then to Adam He said, “Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it’:“Cursed is the ground for your sake;In toil you shall eat of it All the days of your life.
Worship brings down the presence of God and Intercession reverses curses and restores destiny and purposes back to God's original intention.
Worship and Intercession together enable us to spin and rise up through our circumstances and we rise up and above and reach the Glory realm. In this realm we are clothed in the kingly anointing, and thus along with it we will change in to our real self, The Eagle.
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